14 Days of Self-Love pt. 1 | Self-Awareness
We’ve broken down the journey into 4 steps: self-awareness, letting go, being kind, and caring actions. Every few days we will dive deeper into one aspect of self-love to create a deeper understanding of why each is important in cultivating a self-love practice. So in these next 14 days, we want to bring you on a journey to find your own form of self-love with journal prompts and small challenges that shows love in some form. These practices help cultivate confidence, which Mel Robbins, Life Coach and New York Times #1 Bestselling author, defines as “the willingness to try.” There is no pressure to do it “right” but just to try something new for the day. These actions may also give you a little insight into your relationship with yourself!
Let’s start our first step towards self-love: Self-Awareness!
Have you ever thought any of these things?
- I’m not good enough.
- I’m not pretty / handsome enough.
- I don’t deserve that.
- Why can’t I do anything right?
- OF COURSE. It would be me.
- That person is really cool...and I’m not like that so I must not be.
Have you noticed how often these thoughts pop-up? Is it once in a while, or do they come without you even pausing to listen to what you’ve just said about yourself?
On our journey to cultivate self-love, self-awareness is crucial. Being aware of the thoughts you have is the foundation on how you shift those negative thoughts into thoughts of compassion, kindness, and acceptance. The first step to having a relationship with yourself is knowing how you see yourself. In an HBR.org article, Tasha Eurich states, “Research suggests that when we see ourselves clearly, we are more confident and more creative. We make sounder decisions, build stronger relationships, and communicate more effectively.”
Acknowledge your Feelings
Life happens, and it’s ok to feel whatever you’re feeling. Snapping to a judgment about yourself because of those feelings is a different story. If someone makes a comment about something, it’s ok to be hurt by it. Feeling these emotions is part of the beauty of being human but know that the feeling is temporary.
Keep a Journal
This is a great way to observe your day. In the HBR article above, they discuss not only the importance of introspection, but how. According to Tasha, the way that most people observe themselves is actually ineffective because we are asking ourselves the wrong question. Where most people will ask ‘Why’ when trying to understand their feelings, Tasha recommends asking, “What?” What about the situation triggered you? What do these situations have in common? This will allow you to focus on the tangible areas that you can observe and identify ways to move through it. Asking why is a great question, but when cultivating self-awareness, it may lead to creating more negative judgments than positive outlooks.
Day 1
Activity - 5 minutes of stillness
Journal prompt - What is love to you? What is your intention with this self-love journey?
Day 2
Activity - 5 minutes of stillness
Journal prompt - What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?
Day 3
Activity - 5 minutes of stillness
Journal prompt - What is the greatest lesson you’ve learned so far?
Day 4
Activity - 5 minutes of stillness
Journal prompt - I get the most energy when….
Join us for our next installment: LETTING GO and our next few days for journal prompts and activities!