Host a Mindful Holiday Party

Creative Ways to Gift MyIntent This Holiday! 

The holidays are the perfect time to give the gift of intention! We've create 2 ways to curate a special holiday party - if you want to create the bracelets beforehand or if you choose to make bracelets as a group!

Mention in your invitations that you will be making personalized MyIntent bracelets as a group activity. This will get your guests excited and to start thinking of their WORD! Feel free to include this Today Show feature about MyIntent so they have some background on the activity. You can also include our WORD Finder Quiz to help your guests respond with Their WORD.

Creating gifts beforehand:   

Before the Party
Stamp the WORDs for the guests who RSVP with their WORD. You can decorate your tree ornaments with Their WORD! They can find Their WORD on the tree or around the house as a scavenger hunt.

When guests arrive, you can invite them to find Their WORD and bracelet, and ask others for Their WORDs. This treasure hunt can create excitement and conversation as your party gets started.

If some guests didn’t respond with their Word, they can choose a blank bracelet from the tree or display. As the conversation gets going with the guests, they’ll be able to find their word.

During Dinner
During dinner, invite guests to share their WORD and why.

Creating a group activity after dinner:

As guests arrive, have them choose a blank bracelet or necklace to put on. Invite them to ask other guests what their WORD would be. Having something tangible on them makes them feel welcome and serves as an anchor for deeper connections.

Stamp a few bracelets for guests who already know their WORD.
Use the Question Cards as an ice breaker by having each guest choose a card at random and then ask that question to someone else at the gathering.
Here are tips from our founder, Chris Pan, on how to help someone find Their WORD.

Tip: Consider designating a maker for your dinner party or having your guests stamp their own, allowing you to focus on engaging your guests in meaningful conversations. 
Download and print our stamping placemat to guide your guests.

During Dinner

Go around the table and invite guests to share their WORD and why. Guests can pass if they need more time to find their WORD.

Tip: Lead your guests through a brief exercise at the beginning of dinner where you invite them to close their eyes, take a couple of deep breaths, and take them through our 3 prompt questions:
- What virtue do you want more of?
- What is a challenge you want to overcome?
- What are you passionate about and want to spend more time on?

After Dinner
Stamp WORDs for remaining guests for a most meaningful Holiday Party!

Additional ideas!
Place your question cards as decorations around your tree or centerpiece of your dinner table so that your guests can see and start a conversation!


Download and print our Meaningful Question board
Download our What’s Your WORD? logo to include in your holiday celebration invite!
Download our stamping placemat