Happy Father's Day!
We want to take a moment to share some incredible stories of love for our Father and Father-figures!

Happy Father's Day Pops. You have taught me so many lessons through life. I admire your thirst to serve and learn. The ambition you showed through being an entrepreneur and showing people forgiveness. - Tom H.
Father's Day gift for a man whose life and career has been spent finding ways to spread love and COMPASSION. He is truly one who fights the good fight. - Kristin C

My dad taught me about PERSEVERANCE. He modeled it for me in his work ethic. He told me about it in his "lessons" on studying and trying my best. It has been a tough year for him and I want to remind him that he is loved and he will persevere. Happy Father's Day Dad!! - Beth D.
This is for my husband for father's day. He wears a material bracelet on his wrist to remind him of his family when he travels. He travels a lot for his job. - Amy C.
I wanted to share what RESCUE means to me, when pertaining to you. You have been my rescuer. Through the divorce, through my "punk" stage of High School, through my college years, through the death of my best friend. Every time you wouldn't let me quit a team that I despised, you rescued me. Every time you picked me up when I selfishly threw myself down, you rescued me. I am who I am, and I am where I am today because of you. I love you. - Andrew B.

Super Dad
This is a father's day gift for the best husband and dad to my kids. He unwaveringly and constantly loves them. He has had many men in his life let him down yet somehow he has risen above that and proven that great men exist, great Dads exist. Superheroes are not just for the movies but its a part of his being, blood and soul. He puts his family first in every decision he has made and every action he takes. We want to give him a reminder that this next year will be life-changing and we are proud. - Erin C.
How will you celebrate with him today?