""The Fruit Of Faith Is Love, And The Fruit Of Love Is Service…Spread Love Everywhere You Go."" - Mother Teresa

"Tonight was so much fun with my church family!"
"GetReal, our women’s ministry, got together and made MyIntent bracelets. Everyone prayed about what Their WORD was and stamped it on their bracelet! Each morning when your feet hit the floor, what does your intent need to be? What does God want for your life? Where does your focus need to be? What do you need to work on? Each person is different, but we all have one goal: to be closer to Him, to love more, to reach people for Christ and be who God wants us to be!"
- Brandy H.
Her trip was fully funded by selling bracelets and receiving sponsors.
"My daughter sold MyIntent bracelets to raise money for her mission trip to Panama. She also asked people to sponsor a bracelet to give to a Panamanian child. Her trip was fully funded by selling bracelets and receiving sponsors. On her first full day in Panama, and she was able to use the bracelets to open conversations about God’s love. She said the children loved them."
Click here for how to setup a MyIntent fundraiser!
- Debbie W.

"This turned lunch into a 6 hour event."
"On New Year's Eve they went out together, and my Mum gave them the task of picking a word. On New Year's Day she had them for lunch, and they shared their word and the story behind it. This turned lunch into a 6 hour event, but they thoroughly enjoyed each other's conversation and new deeper friendships were formed."
- Sharon B.
Fundraiser to create the most memorable Retreat yet!
"I will be making these to raise the funds to bring in a guest speaker for our church retreat in October. It’s a western theme Happy Trails: These Boots Will Never Walk Alone. Reminding us that God is always with us. This one is for my Mom. She asked for the words Never Alone on her bracelet."
- Anita G.

"They raise up their wrist to let me know they’re sporting it!"
"I use my Sundays delivering water, food, socks, shirts, clipping fingernails, brushing teeth, washing faces etc. You would think I gave them all a diamond ring, they get so excited. When I see them later in the week, they raise up their wrist to let me know they’re sporting it! I tell them at their darkest of times to look down to remind themselves that they are HERE, they do EXIST and to have HOPE!"
- Kim G.
"I’m making them as a fundraiser for our Mexico mission team."
"Having a blast making my intent bracelets! I’m making them as a fundraiser for our Mexico mission team. They’re selling like crazy and what an awesome witnessing tool."
- Naomi G.