Christina Moser: MyIntent Maker & Educator

Christina Moser is a teacher at Old Mill Road School in NY. She and the entire North Merrick School District are doing incredible work in teaching emotional wellness for young students in elementary schools. Christina was able to create a year-long curriculum with her students to choose their ONE WORD, using the MyIntent Maker Kit to stamp their chosen WORDs, that help to find clarity when life gets a little crazy. Take a glimpse into how Christina took her intention, her passion, and spread it throughout a classroom, school, and district!

“The board reflects the narratives from each staff member - why they chose their word and the meaning behind their decision. Children learn more when they are connected to their teachers!! The students love reading about the words that their teachers have chosen.”
Why did you decide to become a MyIntent Maker*?
Our school has created an Emotional Wellness Program for our English Language Learners and their classmates. We developed a program to assist our English Language Learners and their peers with managing their emotions. Teachers wanted the students to create something tangible to remind them what they have learned. After careful reflection, each student decided which ONE WORD would help them manage their emotions best and they created their piece.
How you have used MyIntent pieces at your school as educational tools? What has been the impact of this initiative?
Creating the ONE WORD bracelet was a group activity. Fifth grade students participated in an Emotional Wellness Program that was developed by members of our faculty. The final exercise in the program was to choose a word that would help manage one’s emotions. Children carefully chose their ONE WORD. During the selection, students had an opportunity to brainstorm ideas with their peers. They shared experiences with each other both verbally and through poetry. They utilized technology to share their ideas with their family and friends. Immediately, other students, in other grades, inquired about our work and wanted to know how they could get a bracelet.
What is your favorite part of being a Maker?
While creating our pieces, the conversation among children and their teachers was remarkable. Students shared multiple experiences that inspired them to choose their ONE WORD and teachers shared as well. Children were helping each other and complimenting one another. The conversation in the room was positive, inspirational and MOVING! I never expected the process of creating a piece to be so rewarding. It was therapeutic, and the final product is a constant reminder of our successful program.
How have you communicated the vision and purpose behind the MyIntent Project to people in your community?
We have shared our work in Old Mill Road School with parents during our Spring Open House in May of 2017. Parents had an opportunity to view pictures, poems and videos of students as they shared their ONE WORD journey. I have also shared our work with Administrators and Superintendents of multiple school districts on Long Island during our Title III Coordinator’s Meeting this October. Over 30 members of several school districts had an opportunity to hear about our work. I shared our ONE WORD journey with teachers, administrators and superintendents during the ASSET Technology Conference on March 12, 2018.
Would you encourage others to become MyIntent Makers? Why?
Absolutely, I have already started this process. Our students are experts at making pieces! They will share their expertise as they instruct their teachers at our next faculty meeting. Creating ONE WORD art provides an opportunity to discuss one’s ONE WORD journey. Students will have an opportunity to share their thoughts in a stress-free environment.
What were the most challenging moments in this journey?
The biggest challenge is choosing the word when there are so many words. We brainstormed a lot with the students. They ask their peers and were in conversation in the classroom. They were able to draw from their own personal experience as well. Finding the words was supplemented with media, peer support, pictures. The 4thgrade was ok, and the 6thgrade had no trouble.
Share the story behind the current WORD you are wearing.
On July 13, 2017 I had a double hip replacement. At 46, I was devastated that this was my only option if I wanted to continue to be an active mother and teacher. It was a debilitating surgery and I spent an entire summer recovering. I needed the STRENGTH of my family, friends and of course myself. I chose the word STRENGTH as a reminder that I am strong and I have the power to overcome difficulty situations.
Is there anything else you would like to share?
I am so proud to share the work of my students and colleagues. MyIntent has provided the tools necessary to engage and motivate my students and co- workers. I am grateful to have this opportunity to share my experiences with other organizations. I am hopeful that my many will benefit from our ONE WORD journey.
Christina presenting her work activating MyIntent at OMR at a conference
It only takes one idea to spread throughout a community! Become a maker today starting with our Maker Kit. Fundraise for a cause, raise awareness, or just simply connect with others.
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*MyIntent Makers use the MyIntent Maker Kit to inspire their communities and empower those around them through meaningful conversation.